Source code for wnutils.base

[docs]class Base: """Class for setting wnutils parameters and utilities.""" def _get_property_name(self, tup): if len(tup) == 1: s = tup[0] elif len(tup) == 2: s = tup[0] + ", " + tup[1] elif len(tup) == 3: s = tup[0] + ", " + tup[1] + ", " + tup[2] else: s = "Invalid property name" return s def _merge_dicts(self, x, y): # For Python 2 z = x.copy() z.update(y) return z
[docs] def show_or_close(self, plt, kwargs): """Method to show or close plot. Args: ``plt`` (:obj:`matplotlib.pyplot`): A pyplot plot instance. ``keyword_params`` (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of functions that will be applied to the plot. The key is the function and the value is the argument of the function. Returns: On successful return, the plot has been shown or closed. """ if "show" in kwargs or "savefig" not in kwargs: else: plt.close()
def _class_comparator(self, k): if k == "show": return 2 elif k == "savefig": return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def set_plot_params(self, my_mpl, my_params): """Method to set plot parameters. Args: ``my_mpl`` (matplotlib): A matplotlib instance. ``my_params`` (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary with rcParams to be applied. Returns: On successful return, the :obj:`matplotlib.rcParams` have first been set to their defaults and then updated with the values in my_params. """ my_mpl.rcParams.update(my_mpl.rcParamsDefault) if my_params: for key in my_params: my_mpl.rcParams[key] = my_params[key]
[docs] def apply_class_methods(self, plt, keyword_params): """Method to apply plot functions. Args: ``plt`` (:obj:`matplotlib.pyplot`): A pyplot plot instance. ``keyword_params`` (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of functions that will be applied to the plot. The key is the function and the value is the argument of the function. Returns: On successful return, the functions have been applied to the plot. """ for key in sorted(keyword_params, key=self._class_comparator): method = None try: method = getattr(plt, key) except AttributeError: raise NotImplementedError( "Class `{}` does not implement `{}`".format( plt.__class__.__name__, method ) ) if isinstance(keyword_params[key], dict): method(**keyword_params[key]) else: if isinstance(keyword_params[key], tuple): method(keyword_params[key][0], **keyword_params[key][1]) else: method(keyword_params[key])
[docs] def list_rcParams(self): """Method to list default rcParams. Returns: Prints the default :obj:`matplotlib.rcParams`. """ import matplotlib as my_mpl print(my_mpl.rcParams.keys())
def _get_species_name_substrings(self, str): b_read_elem = False b_read_mass = False elem = "" mass = "" state = "" for i in range(len(str)): if str[i].isalpha() and not b_read_elem: elem += str[i] elif str[i].isdigit() and not b_read_mass: mass += str[i] b_read_elem = True else: b_read_mass = True state += str[i] return (elem, mass, state) def _create_graphviz_string(self, str): str_T = self._get_species_name_substrings(str) elem = str_T[0] if str_T[1]: elem = str_T[0].title() if str_T[2]: return r"<<sup>%s</sup>%s<sub>%s</sub>>" % (str_T[1], elem, str_T[2]) else: return r"<<sup>%s</sup>%s>" % (str_T[1], elem) def _create_latex_string(self, str): l_hash = { "gamma": "\\gamma", "electron": "{\\rm e}^-", "positron": "{\\rm e}^+", "neutrino_e": "\\nu_e", "anti-neutrino_e": "{\\bar \\nu}_e", "neutrino_mu": "\\nu_\\mu", "anti-neutrino_mu": "{\\bar \\nu}_\\mu", "neutrino_tau": "\\nu_\\tau", "anti-neutrino_tau": "{\\bar \\nu}_\\tau", } if str in l_hash: return l_hash[str] else: str_T = self._get_species_name_substrings(str) elem = str_T[0] if str_T[1]: elem = str_T[0].title() if str_T[2]: return r"^{%s}\rm{%s}_{\rm{%s}}" % (str_T[1], elem, str_T[2]) else: return r"^{%s}\rm{%s}" % (str_T[1], elem)
[docs] def get_graphviz_names(self, nuclides): """Method to get graphviz strings of nuclides' names. Args: ``nuclides`` (:obj:`list`): A list of strings giving the nuclides. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary of graphviz strings. """ graphviz_names = {} for nuclide in nuclides: graphviz_names[nuclide] = "{:s}".format( self._create_graphviz_string(nuclide) ) return graphviz_names
[docs] def get_latex_names(self, nuclides): """Method to get latex strings of nuclides' names. Args: ``nuclides`` (:obj:`list`): A list of strings giving the nuclides. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dictionary of latex strings. """ latex_names = {} for nuclide in nuclides: latex_names[nuclide] = "${:s}$".format(self._create_latex_string(nuclide)) return latex_names
def _create_zname_array(self): return [ "n", "h", "he", "li", "be", "b", "c", "n", "o", "f", "ne", "na", "mg", "al", "si", "p", "s", "cl", "ar", "k", "ca", "sc", "ti", "v", "cr", "mn", "fe", "co", "ni", "cu", "zn", "ga", "ge", "as", "se", "br", "kr", "rb", "sr", "y", "zr", "nb", "mo", "tc", "ru", "rh", "pd", "ag", "cd", "in", "sn", "sb", "te", "i", "xe", "cs", "ba", "la", "ce", "pr", "nd", "pm", "sm", "eu", "gd", "tb", "dy", "ho", "er", "tm", "yb", "lu", "hf", "ta", "w", "re", "os", "ir", "pt", "au", "hg", "tl", "pb", "bi", "po", "at", "rn", "fr", "ra", "ac", "th", "pa", "u", "np", "pu", "am", "cm", "bk", "cf", "es", "fm", "md", "no", "lr", "rf", "db", "sg", "bh", "hs", "mt", "ds", "rg", "cn", "nh", "fl", "mc", "lv", "ts", "og", ] def _create_ex_name_array(self): return ["n", "u", "b", "t", "q", "p", "h", "s", "o", "e"] def _get_z_from_element_name(self, elem_str): s_zname = self._create_zname_array() if elem_str in s_zname: return s_zname.index(elem_str) else: ex_name = self._create_ex_name_array() result = "" for elem_char in elem_str: result += str(ex_name.index(elem_char)) return int(result) def _create_element_name(self, z): s_zname = self._create_zname_array() ex_name = self._create_ex_name_array() elem_name = "" if z < len(s_zname): elem_name = s_zname[z] else: z_tmp = z while z_tmp: i = z_tmp % 10 elem_name = ex_name[i] + elem_name z_tmp //= 10 return elem_name
[docs] def get_z_a_state_from_nuclide_name(self, name): """Method to get the Z, A, and state from the name of a nuclide. Args: ``name`` (:obj:`str`): The nuclide's name. Returns: A :obj:`tuple` containing the Z, A, and state label corresponding to the name. """ elem, mass, state = self._get_species_name_substrings(name) if elem[0] == "n": if not mass: return (0, len(elem), state) else: if len(elem) == 1: return (7, int(mass), state) return (int(self._get_z_from_element_name(elem)), int(mass), state)
[docs] def create_nuclide_name(self, z, a, state): """Method to create the name of a nuclide. Args: ``z`` (:obj:`int`): An integer giving the nuclide's atomic number. ``a`` (:obj:`int`): An integer giving the nuclide's mass number. ``state`` (:obj:`str`): A string giving the nuclide's state suffix. Returns: :obj:`str`: The nuclide's name. """ # Special cases if z == 0 and a == 1: return "n" elif z == 0 and a == 2: return "nn" # Normal cases name = self._create_element_name(z) + str(a) + state return name
[docs] def make_time_t9_rho_title_str(self, props, i): """Method to create a default title string. Args: ``props`` (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of :obj:`float`. The dictionary must contain entries that are :obj:`numpy.array` objects containing `time`, the time in seconds, `t9`, the temperature in billions of Kelvins, and `rho`, the mass density in grams per cubic centimeter. ``i`` (:obj:`int`): An integer giving the location in the arrays of the properties to use to construct the string. Returns: :obj:`str`: The default title string. """ title_str = "time (s) = %8.2e, $T_9$ = %5.2f, rho (g/cc) = %8.2e" % ( props["time"][i], props["t9"][i], props["rho"][i], ) return title_str
[docs] def make_time_title_str(self, time): """Method to create a default title string. Args: ``props`` (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary of :obj:`float`. The dictionary must contain at least one :obj:`numpy.array` object containing `time`, the time in seconds. ``time`` (:obj:`int`): A float giving the time to use to construct the string. Returns: :obj:`str`: The default title string. """ title_str = "time (s) = %8.2e" % (time) return title_str
[docs] def is_non_nuclide_reaction_element_string(self, name): """Method to check if a string is that of a non-nuclide reaction element. Args: ``name`` (:obj:`str`): A string giving the possible non-nuclide reaction element. Returns: :obj:`bool`: A boolean with value True if the string is that of a non-nuclide reaction element and False if not. """ non_nuclide_reaction_elements = [ "gamma", "electron", "positron", "neutrino_e", "anti-neutrino_e", "neutrino_mu", "anti-neutrino_mu", "neutrino_tau", "anti-neutrino_tau", ] return name in non_nuclide_reaction_elements