Animating the Data

As with plotting, if you have read in the various data from a webnucleo file, you can animate them using matplotlib. We have found, however, that it is convenient to have a handful of movie methods in the wnutils API. This tutorial demonstrates how to use these methods. Interested users can, if desired, build their own movie routines based on the source code of the wnutils routines.

Animation writers

The default animation writer is ffmpeg. If you do not already have it on your system, you should install it. In linux, use apt-get. To install, type:

$ sudo apt install ffmpeg

On a mac with MacPorts, type:

$ sudo port install ffmpeg

On Cygwin, you will probably have to build it. For example, see this web site.

Setting parameters and methods

Just like the plotting methods, the animation methods use rcParams, plot parameters, and plot methods. You can set these as described in the Plotting the Data tutorial.


To make movies from XML files, import the namespace:

>>> import wnutils.xml as wx

Then create an object for each file. For example, type:

>>> my_xml = wx.Xml('my_output1.xml')

Animating the abundances versus nucleon number

To make a movie of the abundances versus mass number, you can type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4')

The argument abunds.mp4 is the name of the movie file that will be created. You can add appropriate keyword arguments to adjust the movie to your taste. For example, you can type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', xlim = [0,100], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'A, Mass Number', ylabel = 'Abundance')

You can add rcParams and plotParams. For example, type:

>>> rc_params = {'lines.linewidth': 2}
>>> p_params = {'color': 'black'}
>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', rcParams = rc_params, plotParams = p_params, xlim = [0,100], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'A, Mass Number', ylabel = 'Abundance')

By default, a title is displayed giving the time in seconds, the temperature in billions of Kelvins, and the mass density in grams per cc. You can create your own title by supplying a title function. The function must take in an integer giving the index of a given frame in the movie and must return a string giving the title or a two-element tuple for which the first element is the title string and the second is a dict of matplotlib.pyplot.title keyword options. The function can also return None, in which case no title is created. For example, to prevent a title from appearing in the movie, type:

>>> def null_title(i):
...     return None
>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', rcParams = rc_params, plotParams = p_params, title_func=null_title, xlim = [0,100], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'A, Mass Number', ylabel = 'Abundance')

To make a title that only displays the time and temperature, define the appropriate title function by typing:

>>> def my_title(props, i):
...     title_str = \
...     "time (s) = %8.2e, $T_9$ = %4.2f" % \
...     (props['time'][i], props['t9'][i])
...     return title_str

Now bind properties to the function by typing:

>>> props = my_xml.get_properties_as_floats(['time', 't9'])
>>> bind = lambda i: my_title(props, i)

Now call the animation routine with the bound function by typing:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', rcParams = rc_params, plotParams = p_params, title_func=bind, xlim = [0,100], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'A, Mass Number', ylabel = 'Abundance')

If you want to modify the title properties, have the title function return a tuple. For example, type:

>>> def my_title2(props, i):
...     title_str = \
...     "time (s) = %8.2e, $T_9$ = %4.2f" % \
...     (props['time'][i], props['t9'][i])
...     return (title_str, {'fontsize': 20, 'color': 'green'})
>>> props = my_xml.get_properties_as_floats(['time', 't9'])
>>> bind = lambda i: my_title2(props, i)
>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', rcParams = rc_params, plotParams = p_params, title_func=bind, xlim = [0,100], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'A, Mass Number', ylabel = 'Abundance')

You can plot abundances versus atomic number (z) or neutron number (n) by supplying the appropriate keyword. For example, type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', nucleon = 'z')

You can also select zones (steps) to plot with an XPath expression. For example, type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', nucleon = 'n', zone_xpath = '[position() >= last() - 30]')

That creates a movie of the abundances versus neutron number for the last 30 time steps. It should be clear that, if you use an XPath expression to select zones, and if you create your own title from properties, you will need to use the same XPath expression for the properties to be fed into the title function. For example, you could type:

>>> props = my_xml.get_properties_as_floats(['time','t9'], zone_xpath = '[position() >= last() - 30]')
>>> bind = lambda i: my_title2(props, i)
>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie('abunds.mp4', nucleon = 'n', zone_xpath = '[position() >= last() - 30]', title_func = bind)

If you do not do this, you will have a mismatch between the frames and their titles.

You can also add extra curves to the movie that either stay fixed in each frame or vary. To do so for a fixed curve, create an array of tuples. The first element of the tuple gives the array of abscissa values, the second element gives the array of ordinate values, and the third element, if provided, gives a dictionary of valid matplotlib plot options. Pass the array of tuples into the methods as the keyword parameter extraFixedCurves. For example, you could type:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> ya = my_xml.get_abundances_vs_nucleon_number(zone_xpath = "[position() = 1]")
>>> my_extra = [(np.arange(len(ya[0])), ya[0], {'lw': 0.3, 'color': 'blue', 'label': 'Initial'})]
>>> anim = my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie(extraFixedCurves=my_extra, yscale = 'log', ylim = [1.e-10,1], plotParams={'label': 'Current'}, legend={'loc': 'upper right'})

This returns the animation. You can the write a movie by typing:

>>>'abunds.mp4', fps = 15)

Of course, you can also pass the movie name in as the first parameter or as a keyword to make the movie directly:

>>> my_xml.make_abundances_vs_nucleon_number_movie(movie_name = 'abunds.mp4', extraFixedCurves=my_extra, yscale = 'log', ylim = [1.e-10,1], plotParams={'label': 'Current'}, legend={'loc': 'upper right'})

Animating an abundance chain

An abundance chain is the collection of abundances along a fixed Z or N. To make a movie of an abundance chain, type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundance_chain_movie('abund_chain.mp4')

The argument abund_chain.mp4 is the name of the movie file that will be created. The default is to plot along the fixed Z = 26 chain. To plot against a different Z, use the nucleon keyword to enter a tuple. For example, to plot for Z = 30, type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundance_chain_movie(movie_name = 'abund_chain.mp4', nucleon=('z', 30), plot_vs_A=True)

The plot_vs_A keyword causes the abscissa to be mass number instead of neutron number. To plot for N = 30, type:

>>> my_xml.make_abundance_chain_movie('abund_chain.mp4', nucleon=('n', 30), plot_vs_A=True)

As with the abundances versus nucleon number movie, you can add appropriate keyword arguments and extra curves to adjust the movie to your taste. For example, you can type:

>>> my_nucleon = ('z', 28)
>>> x, y = my_xml.get_chain_abundances(my_nucleon, zone_xpath="[last()]")
>>> extra_curve = [(x, y[0], {'lw': 0.5, 'label': 'Final', 'color': 'red'})]
>>> my_xml.make_abundance_chain_movie('abund_chain.mp4', nucleon = my_nucleon, xlim = [20, 50], ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', xlabel = 'N, Neutron Number', ylabel = 'Abundance', extraFixedCurves = extra_curve, plotParams = {'label': 'Current'}, legend={'loc': 'upper right'})

You can also adjust the title by defining a title function and binding, as with the nucleon number movie.

Animating the network abundances

You can animate the network abundances in the neutron number-proton number plane. For example, type:

>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4')

The black curves in the movie show the network limits. The properties of those lines are set with plotParams. To see how this works, type:

>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', plotParams={'color': 'green', 'linestyle': 'dotted'})

The routine takes keyword arguments, as usual. For example, type:

>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', xlim=[0,60], ylim = [0,50])

The abundances are shown by the blue-purple color intensity. The details are set by the keyword argument imParams, which is a dict of valid matplotlib.pyplot.imshow options. The default is as if you had called the routine with imParams={‘origin’:’lower’, ‘cmap’: cm.BuPu, ‘norm’: LogNorm(), ‘vmin’: 1.e-10, ‘vmax’: 1}, which shows that the abundances are displayed on a logarithmic scale with maximum value 1 and minimum value 1.e-10. We can override any or all of these. For example, to change the minimum abundance to 1.e-15 and the color map to reds, type:

>>> import as cm
>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', xlim=[0,60], ylim = [0,50], imParams = {'cmap': cm.Reds, 'vmin': 1.e-15})

It is often desirable to add a colorbar. For example, you can create colorbar properties by typing:

>>> cb = {'shrink': 0.85, 'label': 'Abundance', 'aspect': 10, 'ticks': [1.e-10, 1.e-8, 1.e-6, 1.e-4, 1.e-2, 1.]}

The arguments to the colorbar properties are any valid matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar optional keyword argument. You can now type:

>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', xlim=[0,60], ylim = [0,50], colorbar = cb)

Of course, you will want to make sure that your ticks in the colorbar are consistent with your limits. For example, you can type:

>>> cb = {'shrink': 0.85, 'label': 'Abundance', 'aspect': 10, 'ticks': [1.e-15, 1.e-10, 1.e-5, 1.]}
>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', xlim=[0,60], ylim = [0,50], imParams = {'cmap': cm.Reds, 'vmin': 1.e-15}, colorbar = cb)

As with the routine to animate abundances versus nucleon number, you can use zone_xpath to select steps and title_func to define your own title string. For example, if you defined my_title2() as above, you can type:

>>> props = my_xml.get_properties_as_floats(['time','t9'])
>>> bind = lambda i: my_title(props, i)
>>> my_xml.make_network_abundances_movie('network_abunds.mp4', xlim=[0,60], ylim = [0,50], imParams = {'cmap': cm.Reds, 'vmin': 1.e-15}, colorbar = cb, title_func = bind)


To make movies from HDF5 files, import the namespace:

>>> import wnutils.h5 as w5

Then create an object for each file. For example, type:

>>> my_h5 = w5.H5('my_output1.h5')

Animating the mass fractions in zones

Most commonly one writes out HDF5 files for multi-zone network calculations. The output in my_output1.h5 and my_output2.h5 is for one-dimensional multi-zone network calculations in which matter burns in the individual zones and mixes between the zones. In such calculations, one generally wants to see the evolution of the mass fractions in the zones as a function of time. To see an example of how you can do this, type:

>>> my_h5.make_mass_fractions_movie(['o16','ne20'], 'mass_fracs.mp4')

This creates a movie mass_fracs.mp4 of o16 and ne20 in the zones as a function of time. The x axis shows zone indices. The y axis gives mass fractions. The scale of the y axis changes. Since you probably want that fixed, call with keyword arguments. For example, you can type:

>>> my_h5.make_mass_fractions_movie(['o16','ne20'], 'mass_fracs.mp4', ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', ylabel = 'Mass Fraction')

To keep the legend from moving, call with the legend keyword. For example, type:

>>> my_h5.make_mass_fractions_movie(['o16','ne20'], 'mass_fracs.mp4', ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', ylabel = 'Mass Fraction', legend={'loc': 'lower right'})

To use your own title, define a title function as before. For example, to change from seconds to years, type:

>>> def my_time_title(props, i):
...     title_str = "time (yr) = %8.2e" % (props['time'][i] / 3.15e7)
...     return title_str

Next, bind data to the function by typing:

>>> zone = ('0','0','0')
>>> props = my_h5.get_zone_properties_in_groups_as_floats( zone, ['time'] )
>>> bind = lambda i: my_time_title(props, i)

Now you can call the routine with the title function by typing:

>>> my_h5.make_mass_fractions_movie(['o16','ne20'], 'mass_fracs.mp4', ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', ylabel = 'Mass Fraction', legend={'loc': 'lower right'}, title_func=bind, use_latex_names=True)

This example also labels the species with superscripts for the species mass number.

You can also plot the zone abundances against a zone property. Since each zone in my_output1.h5 has a temperature, you can plot against that by typing:

>>> my_h5.make_mass_fractions_movie(['o16','ne20'], 'mass_fracs.mp4', property='t9', ylim = [1.e-10,1], yscale = 'log', ylabel = 'Mass Fraction', legend={'loc': 'lower right'}, title_func=bind, use_latex_names=True, xlim=[0.3,0], xlabel='$T_9$')

Notice the xlim to get the temperatures oriented correctly with zone index.

As with other movies, you can call the routine with rcParams and plotParams, as desired.